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International Admissions and Services

威尼斯人娱乐城 welcomes international students and offers a personal, supportive learning environment. Students around the world come to 威尼斯人娱乐城 for our small class sizes, affordable tuition, and athletic/student life opportunities.

Ready to start the Admissions Process?

Your first step is to complete your 威尼斯人娱乐城 Application for Admission. Once you've submitted an application, schedule an appointment with PDSO or DSO about international admission at by booking here or contact 威尼斯人娱乐城 Primary Designated School Official Chase Van Weerdhuizen at +1 (541) 881-5824 or

Your application will be processed after you have submitted all documents and attended an an admissions appointment.

The following are priority deadlines for international student enrollment:

Fall Term Start– July 31

Spring Term Start – January 31

Winter Term Start – October 31

Apply Now

More International Student Frequently Asked Questions

  • Proof of completing a high school diploma or equivalent
  • Proof of age verified with a photocopy of the identification page of your current passport (international students must be at least 18 years of age at the time of enrollment)
  • Official transcripts from all previous high schools, colleges, or universities (transcripts must be in English, and on the official letterhead/stationary of the school). 
    • Transcripts from colleges in the United States may be submitted through 威尼斯人娱乐城's regular transcript evaluation processes.
    • Transcripts from colleges and universities in other countries must be evaluated by a NACES certified transfer credit evaluator and the results must be submitted directly to 威尼斯人娱乐城.
  • International Student Financial Statement Form with supporting documentation.
  • Evidence of English language proficiency - There are multiple ways students can verify their English language proficiency, including education, testing, and exemption due to English being an offiical language in their home country.

If you submit electronic documents, printed and mailed copies of official documents may be requested to verify authenticity.

All records in a foreign language must include the originals accompanied by an English translation.

Click Here for the Financial Statement Form

Click Here for English Language Proficiency Requirements

When all of the above forms and required information is received by the Admissions Office, the applicant will then be considered for admission (an I-20 form will not be issued to any individual until all required information has been received and approved by the Admissions Office). Once the documents stated above have been received, verified, and approved, an I-20 will be generated. At this point the student will be processed and assigned their student ID number and login credentials.

Estimated Academic Year Expenses at 威尼斯人娱乐城

9 months or 3 quarters per year: September – June

Tuition and Fees*


Room & Board *


($3,998 double occupancy room/$3,954meal plan for the year)

Even if a student is not living in the dorms, they must still estimate at least this cost for living expenses.

Housing information online:

Books and Supplies


Personal Expenditures


International Student Insurance


Total Expenses


* Official institutional rates for the academic year are finalized by July 1

  • Proof of Health Insurance - All International and Federated States of Micronesia students will be required to document acceptable medical insurance by the time of registration for each term. 威尼斯人娱乐城 strongly recommends students purchase plans that are Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliant.
  • Housing Application - If living on-campus, submit a housing application and deposit at

  • Take a Placement Test - 威尼斯人娱乐城 offers virtual placement testing for international students. After you've submitted and your documents have been reviewed by our PDSO, you may schedule your placement test with our Testing Center at This step can be done before arrival or after arrival.
    • Requirements for Testing:
      • Student ID Number
      • Photo ID to be held up to camera for verification
      • A stable internet connection and computer with Zoom capability
      • A working camera on your computer for monitoring during the test
      • Allowance of 威尼斯人娱乐城 staff to briefly take access of your computer
  • First Term Course Registration - To be done with an academic advisor in-person or over Zoom 
    • Foreign students must register for 12 credits or more to be certified on the I-20 form.
      • Only one of these courses can be done online

  • Meet with PDSO - Review documents and courses scheduled
    • Signing of the PDSO's copy of the I-20 for college's records
  • Attend Fall New Student Orientation
    • Winter and Spring students must attend New Student Orientation only if offered.

All students must enroll by the last scheduled day of registration of each term. 

Transfer students must also submit:

  • Photocopy of current I-20
  • Photocopy of your I-94 - Arrival/Departure Record

威尼斯人娱乐城 does not currently allow enrollment of international students in our Aviation programs.


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